lunedì 28 marzo 2016


Come al solito sto leggendo l'ennesimo 1° libro di una saga che in originale è già conclusa ma che non esiste in italiano e che probabilmente non lo sarà mai... Questo è un libro di Jessica Brody pare essere distopico...anche se io non ne vedo al momento le caratteristiche. Al momento non riesco a definirlo, non è noioso ma neanche avvincente, di sicuro è confuso e nebuloso. Non riuscendo a collocarlo nella Reading Challenge 2016, lo metto come libro extra.

1. Violet (Titolo originale:Unremembered)
2. (Titolo originale: Unforgotten) 
3. (Titolo originale: Unchanged)

1.5. (Titolo originale: Undiscovered)
2.5. (Titolo originale: Unleashed)
1. (Titolo originale: The memory code)
2. (Titolo originale: The intelligence director)
3. (Titolo originale: The human engineer)

Casa editrice: Fanucci
1. Violet
Quando il volo 121 della Freedom Airlines precipita nell’oceano Pacifico, nessuno si aspetta che ci siano dei superstiti. Così, la notizia di una ragazza ritrovata a galleggiare tra i rottami dell’aereo, praticamente illesa, fa il giro del mondo. Nessuno sa spiegarsi come possa essere sopravvissuta... tantomeno lei. La sua mente è una tabula rasa: non ricorda il proprio nome né nessun avvenimento della sua vita, e non sa spiegare cosa ci facesse su quel volo. Le sue impronte digitali e il suo DNA non si trovano in alcun database, nessuno ha denunciato la sua scomparsa.
Intrappolata in un mondo che non riconosce, con delle abilità che non è in grado di comprendere e ossessionata da una minaccia che è solo un’eco nella sua testa, la ragazza misteriosa si sforza di rimettere insieme i pezzi del proprio passato e scoprire chi è veramente. Ma a ogni indizio seguono nuove domande, e lei non ha abbastanza tempo per trovare le risposte. La sua unica speranza è un ragazzo affascinante, che sostiene di conoscerla da prima dell’incidente e di averla aiutata a fuggire da un esperimento top secret. Ma lei di chi può fidarsi davvero?
2. Unforgotten
Some memories are better left forgotten...
After a daring escape from the scientists at Diotech who created her, Seraphina believes she is finally safe from the horrors of her past. But new threats await Sera and her boyfriend, Zen, at every turn as Zen falls prey to a mysterious illness and Sera’s extraordinary abilities make it more and more difficult to stay hidden. Meanwhile, Diotech has developed a dangerous new weapon designed to apprehend her. A weapon that even Sera will be powerless to stop. Her only hope of saving Zen’s life and defeating the company that made her is a secret buried deep within her mind. A secret that Diotech will kill to protect. And it won’t stay forgotten for long. Packed with mystery, suspense, and romance, this riveting second installment of Jessica Brody’s Unremembered trilogy delivers more heart-pounding action as loyalties are tested, love becomes a weapon, and no one’s memories are safe.
3. Unchanged
So many secrets are buried within these compound walls.
I used to be one of those secrets.

After returning to the Diotech compound and undergoing an experimental new memory alteration, Seraphina is now a loyal, obedient servant to Dr. Alixter and the powerful company that created her. Happy and in love with Kaelen, another scientifically-enhanced human designed to be her perfect match, Sera’s history with a boy named Zen is just a distant memory from a rebellious past she longs to forget. But as Sera and Kaelen embark on a nationwide tour to promote Diotech’s new product line—a collection of controversial genetic modifications available to the public—Sera’s mind starts to rebel. She can’t stop the memories of Zen from creeping back in. As more secrets are revealed, more enemies are uncovered, and the reality of a Diotech-controlled world grows closer every day, Sera will have to choose where her true loyalties lie, but it’s a choice that may cost her everything she’s ever loved.
1.5: Undiscovered 
Before the crash of Freedom Airlines flight 121...
There was a top-secret research compound hidden deep in the desert. There was a girl held prisoner in a restricted sector. And there was a boy who found her. And risked everything to set her free. Romantic and action-packed, Undiscovered is sure to thrill fans of Jessica Brody’s Unremembered trilogy. In this 100-page novella, told from Zen’s point of view, more secrets are revealed about Seraphina’s forgotten past, the corporation that created her, and the boy who fell in love with her. Undiscovered also includes a sneak peek of Unforgotten, the anticipated second book in the trilogy.
2.5: Unleashed
Seraphina has escaped the compound. The president of Diotech has fallen gravely ill. Now Dr. Alixter rests his last hope on a genetically enhanced soldier. A boy designed to apprehend Sera. A boy incapable of failure…Set in the thrilling sci-fi world of Jessica Brody’s Unremembered trilogy, this sinister and suspenseful novella recounts the untold story of what happened on the Diotech compound after the shocking ending of Unremembered. Told from Kaelen’s point of view, Unleashed also includes a special sneak peek of Unchanged, the long-awaited conclusion to the series.
1. The memory code
When a security breach is detected, the Memory Restoration Department is called upon to do what they do best: make you forget. But with every memory that’s taken out, a new one must be installed in its place. It’s a job that requires skill, artistry, discretion, and flawless proficiency in the language of memories. That’s why only the best programmers in the world are recruited to work for the department. But diving too far into another person’s memories is a dangerous endeavor. And for some, the temptation is just too strong. 
2. The intelligence director
Hidden deep in the southwest desert, away from civilization, a top-secret, high-tech research facility is experimenting with many forbidden things. Things that even most of the employees don’t know about. The task of protecting the compound and keeping its various experiments under wraps is Director Raze, Head of Security for Diotech Corporation. But when one of those experiments manages to escape and Raze is to blame, he must figure out a way to recover the missing property without exposing himself. In a place where minds can be manipulated and secrets can be wiped from existence, how far will one man go to keep his own secrets buried?
3. The human engineer 
Hidden deep in the southwest desert, away from civilization, a top-secret, high-tech research facility is experimenting with many forbidden things. Things that even most of the employees don’t know about. The task of protecting the compound and keeping its various experiments under wraps is Director Raze, Head of Security for Diotech Corporation. But when one of those experiments manages to escape and Raze is to blame, he must figure out a way to recover the missing property without exposing himself. In a place where minds can be manipulated and secrets can be wiped from existence, how far will one man go to keep his own secrets buried?

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